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Unique titles from Moonshine Publications.

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The books featured above are not the only ones that we have available.

Open OUR BOOKS > Treasured Titles at the top of the page to look at

a wider range that are

Mainly Tales of Sail

We have some difficult to access or rare books and some Collectable Copies.

We are constantly adding to our range.

In case of any difficulties email us at

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To buy a book click on Buy a Book at the top of this page in the blue band.


Hello and Welcome to Moonshine

We'd like to offer you a real bargain.

Unfortunately it is for 'GB post' customers only.

If GB customers order directly from Moonshine with a cheque or by PayPal,

for only £13.50 we will send you BOTH Practical Dinghy Cruiser and Seasickness books post free.

Compare the prices and you will see that this is an offer it is difficult to refuse - saving over £4 in total.



Advantage DCA!

Seasonal deal 2021

DCA members (in GB) can take advantage of their membership if they wish to purchase Practical Dinghy Cruiser directly. Quote your membership number and the second edition will cost only


See the 'Buy a Book' page for contact details.


If you are in the USA or Canada you can purchase Practical Dinghy Cruiser from

Small Craft Advisor as they hold a stock.



If you are interested in the Starship Round Britain account you can also find it on Amazon by putting in its full title:

Practical Coastal Cruising - Serial Starship




Seasickness is compact so that the information can be accessed rapidly. 

The printing is nice and large to make it readable in less than stable circumstances.

We will supply single copies to UK buyers, Post Free (Saving £1.58).

Act now to get a book on board.

It costs less than any medical prescription!

It is quite a surprise that there appears to be no other seriously informative book on this subject for sailing cruisers



                                                                And now for something completely different ...

Anglo-Saxon craft!

Moonshine Publications supports an on-going project in Woodbridge where we are based.

As part of the redevelopment of the waterfront a full-size replica of the Sutton Hoo longship is being constructed.

This craft is 90ft long.

It is an unusual craft and to learn more about it look at the website:


          A slender booklet describing: clinker construction. riving quartered planks. rivetting is available wherever the 45ft Anglo-Saxon longboat 'Sae Wylfing' is attending events.  
